Friday, March 23, 2007

First try : Primer intento

one of the morning's routine is to read all of the blogs that I have in my bookmarks, a list that is continuously increasing, friend's blogs; craft's blogs; art's blogs; crazy blogs and food blogs among others, and is in one of these that I got inspired to bake these gingerbread cupcakes with cream cheese frosting... I must say that they turned delicious... if anyone wants the recipe do not hesitate to ask!... : Una de las rutinas de la mañana es la lectura de todos los blogs que guardo en mis favoritos, una lista que crece continuamente, blogs de amigos, de manualidades, arte, blogs locos y blogs de comida entre otros, y es en uno de estos donde me inspiré para preparar estas cupcakes de jengibre con cobertura de queso crema... y debo decir que resultaron deliciosos... si alguno quiere la receta no duden en avisar!...

Due to my inexperience the cupcakes were not that symmetrical : Debido a mi inexperiencia las cupcakes no fueron tan simetricas.

Cupcakes ready with frosting and some color : Cupcakes listas con cobertura y color

Nice weekend everyone : Buen fin de semana

1 comment:

bradpitt said...

la simmetria e la A e la O nella vita...., non posso credere che non lho sapevi