Cats and the city...
Hi everyone!... sorry for the video that you could not be able to see... It is supposedly fixed right now, so please if you have any problems let me know and I will see what I can do.
So spring is turning into a hot summer!, we are having already temperatures more than above the normal spring ones!. We had to assemble the fan already!.
We had a great weekend, just some sun at the terrace, french toast in the morning with the always welcomed neighbours and we went over to do some walking looking for chairs for the house... and we finally agreed and we are getting new chairs!!! (More on this subject soon)
We are getting ready to go for the wedding at Miami, it is going to be a crazy week, so I guess that I will updating this blog with a lot of juicy stuff... stay tuned!
John, I am still thinking about the flower (it is really difficult to decide)
Love u all, have a good week.
Tree shadow printed in the hot street
Some more stuff from the Buenos Aires walls... enjoy